- будто на ладошке
- • КАК <БУДТО, СЛОВНО, ТОЧНО> НА ЛАДОНИ <НА ЛАДОШКЕ, НА ЛАДОНКЕ obs> coll[как etc + PrepP; these forms only]=====⇒ sth. is very clearly and distinctly visible, (to see s.o. or sth.) very clearly:- (be) in full (plain) view;- (be <stand>) open to view;- (be as clearly visible) as if it were (spread out) on the palm of one's hand.♦ Городок стоит открыто, как на ладони, кругом ни ветлы; где-то очень далеко, на самом краю неба, чернеется лесок (Достоевский 3). The town stands open to view; there is not a single willow tree around it; somewhere very far off, at the very edge of the sky, is the black line of a little forest (Зс).♦ По стеклянным ступеням мы поднялись наверх. Всё - под нами внизу - как на ладони... (Замятин 1). We ascended the glass stairs. Everything below was as clearly visible as if it were spread out on the palm of my hand (1a).2. [subj-compl with быть (subj: human or, less often, abstr)]⇒ everything about (a person, his life etc) is clear, evident, there is nothing secretive, hidden from view:- (you can read person X) like a book;- thing X is so (absolutely) clear (transparent, plain).♦ ...Ведь ты же знаешь все мои институтские штучки, ведь я у тебя весь как на ладони (Аксёнов 1). ... You know all my college-kid tricks, I'm an open book to you... (1a). ...Его безупречное притворство было как на ладони (Окуджава 2). ...His impeccable pretense was so transparent (2a).⇒ (to tell, reveal sth. to s.o.) straightforwardly, clearly, and completely:- candidly;- openly;- concealing (withholding, suppressing) nothing.
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.